
“O chefe termóstato”

há 476 semanas

Provavelmente, o termo termostato não é completamente evidente para si. Eu ajudo. O termostato é um dispositivo de regulação automática da temperatura de um determinado sistema. Existe, por exemplo nos automóveis. Quando a temperatura do motor ultrapassa um determinado nível, o circuito fecha e liga a ventoinha que arrefece o motor.

Muitos chefes (mais de 80% segundo alguns estudos) funcionam como um termóstato. Enquanto as coisas vão correndo bem, o circuito mantém-se desligado e não existe qualquer reação da parte deles. Quando algo de menos bom se passa, o circuito liga, eles acordam e tratam de “zurzir”. Tal como o termóstato, só “ligam” para corrigir, repreender, censurar e punir. Nunca para reconhecer, recompensar e, muito menos, celebrar.

Este tipo de gestores pensam, genuinamente, que o seu principal papel é corrigir o que está mal e não reforçar e incentivar o que está bem. Focam-se em procurar erros e raramente têm um gesto de reconhecimento por um bom trabalho (“para quê? só fizeram a sua obrigação!”), até porque acham que isso são “mariquices”. Para eles o importante é ter procedimentos claros e sistemas de controlo que permitam detetar e corrigir os comportamentos desalinhados. “Trata-se de manter de disciplina. É para isso que me pagam!”

O estilo de gestão “termóstato” tende a originar colaboradores de tipo “subordinado”. O subordinado só faz o que lhe mandam. Espera que lhe digam o que tem que fazer, como tem de o fazer e quando tem de o fazer. Nunca toma uma iniciativa, nunca arrisca uma nova forma fazer algo e nunca procura soluções inovadoras. O subordinado é profundamente ineficaz e exige uma liderança com maior grau de controlo, o que cria um círculo vicioso. Chefes de tipo “termóstato” originam colaboradores de tipo “subordinado” que, por sua vez, justificam um estilo de chefia termóstato.  

O chefe termóstato até pode gerar equipas cumpridoras, isto é, zelosas na obediência a normas, diligentes no cumprimento de ordens e rigorosas em termos técnicos. Mas não consegue construir equipas eficazes. As suas equipas não arriscam, não tomam iniciativas, falham na criatividade e na inovação e não trabalham com paixão. Podem até conseguir resultados razoáveis, mas nunca conseguirão resultados extraordinários. Podem até fazer o que lhes é pedido, mas nunca dão o seu máximo. E em mercados altamente competitivos, esta pode ser a diferença ter ou não ter sucesso.

Este tipo de gestores ainda não percebeu (talvez porque os seus chefes têm a mesma atitude) dois aspectos fundamentais da sua função. Primeiro, que chefiar é essencialmente atingir resultados através de pessoas, isto é, quem verdadeiramente atinge os objectivos que lhe são fixados a um chefe é a sua equipa e não ele. Segundo que as pessoas não são máquinas. O reconhecimento é uma necessidade humana fundamental. Para uma pessoa, receber feedback e ser atempadamente reconhecido por um trabalho excepcional é muito importante não só para o seu desenvolvimento, mas também para a sua auto-estima e felicidade.

Quando uma pessoa recebe feedback e o seu trabalho é reconhecido fica claro (para ele e para outros) que tipo de comportamentos a empresa valoriza, aumenta a sua satisfação e motivação, o que leva a um crescimento da sua focalização, produtividade e lealdade e tem consequências positivas para a empresa ao nível da qualidade do serviço prestado, satisfação dos clientes e retorno financeiro.

Todos sabemos que a recompensa financeira nos deixa satisfeitos, mas, nenhum de nós tem também dúvidas que uma sincera e merecida palavra de reconhecimento e gratidão, dada pela pessoa certa no momento certo, tem um impacto muito superior na nossa motivação e no nosso compromisso com a organização. A gratidão é uma forma genuína de reconhecimento, e o reconhecimento é uma forma sincera de gratidão.

O reconhecimento recompensa quem o recebe e enaltece quem o dá!

José Bancaleiro,

Managing Partner

Stanton Chase International – Executive Search Consultants 

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o artigo completo
Comentário de Carlos Rodrigues:
Artigo excelente.
Retrata uma grande realidade em Portugal.
Por um lado querem trabalho de equipa e nada fazem para o incentivar.
Quando algo vai mal a culpa é sempre dos outros.

2015-07-27 23:00:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-11-28 00:13:21
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-04 07:53:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-04 07:53:20
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-04 07:53:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-04 07:54:21
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-08 02:46:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-08 21:35:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-09 05:50:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-09 07:37:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-09 08:23:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-09 14:25:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-10 07:51:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2015-12-12 10:40:09
Comentário de Paulo Fernandes:
Excelente texto. Mais do que excelente é o facto de ser real. Existe uma grande diferença entre gerir bens ou gerir pessoas mas na prática todos os gestores acham-se capazes de gerir ambos o que em 90% dos casos dá barraca . Obrigado pelo seu contributo.

2016-01-14 09:41:19
Comentário de Paulo Fernandes:
Excelente texto. Mais do que excelente é o facto de ser real. Existe uma grande diferença entre gerir bens ou gerir pessoas mas na prática todos os gestores acham-se capazes de gerir ambos o que em 90% dos casos dá barraca . Obrigado pelo seu contributo.

2016-01-14 09:41:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-28 04:56:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-28 07:07:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-28 07:38:12
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-28 18:44:20
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-28 18:54:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-29 01:29:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-01-29 16:14:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-02 10:13:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-02 11:52:12
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-02 18:28:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-03 21:54:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-03 23:16:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-04 04:05:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-05 09:42:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-06 14:34:34
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-06 23:18:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-08 01:02:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-08 02:44:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-08 19:19:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-09 23:43:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-09 23:45:35
Comentário de Filipe Fernandes:
Artigo bastante interessante. A capacidade de influência de um líder perante um grupo de trabalho é o resultado de vários fatores entre eles o reconhecimento e o feedback.

2016-02-11 23:10:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-12 01:47:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-12 04:16:12
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-29 16:16:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-29 23:31:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-02-29 23:31:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-04-26 08:52:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-04-28 15:10:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-27 02:04:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-27 12:52:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-28 19:30:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-28 19:32:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-29 04:41:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-29 23:50:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-30 15:28:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-30 16:34:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-05-31 03:39:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-01 01:50:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-01 04:19:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-01 06:23:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-02 05:10:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-02 07:20:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-02 07:43:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-02 07:43:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-04 04:49:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-04 08:39:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-04 11:32:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-09 14:56:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-09 15:36:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-10 14:35:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-10 15:28:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-10 19:55:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-14 05:30:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-14 10:33:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-14 11:57:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-15 05:58:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-15 14:16:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-21 18:47:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-21 19:20:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-23 01:23:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-23 01:28:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-23 22:34:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-23 23:56:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-24 23:51:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-25 01:03:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-26 01:21:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-29 21:33:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-06-30 06:04:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-01 05:25:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-01 22:53:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-01 23:08:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-02 01:46:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-03 05:44:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-03 10:53:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-03 11:14:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-04 00:14:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-04 16:25:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-04 21:42:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-04 21:43:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-04 21:48:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-06 15:37:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-06 18:47:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-06 19:52:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-10 00:39:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-10 01:17:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-10 02:03:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-11 19:02:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-11 19:11:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-11 19:33:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-12 21:44:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-13 05:41:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-13 06:17:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-13 21:54:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-13 22:02:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-13 22:31:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-14 15:15:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-14 16:51:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-14 19:30:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-14 21:28:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-17 06:01:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-19 11:51:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-19 22:07:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-20 16:41:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-20 21:02:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-21 06:01:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-21 09:38:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-22 07:54:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-22 09:35:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-22 09:36:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-22 10:33:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-22 21:37:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-23 09:16:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-23 09:44:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-23 21:39:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-24 20:15:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-26 01:41:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-26 03:49:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-26 03:50:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-26 05:32:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-26 06:46:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-27 21:42:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-28 09:26:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-28 13:27:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-31 00:51:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-31 02:32:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-31 03:03:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-07-31 17:35:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-01 02:19:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-01 02:32:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-03 01:12:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-03 04:54:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-03 07:11:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-03 11:39:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-05 17:57:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-05 23:21:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-06 02:07:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-06 15:33:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-07 09:12:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-07 14:47:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-07 15:15:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-09 02:49:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-09 04:07:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-09 14:03:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-10 03:07:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-10 07:14:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-10 08:40:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-11 09:10:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-14 22:59:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-15 01:43:56
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-15 02:31:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-15 07:20:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-15 23:10:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-16 05:34:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-16 07:49:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-17 16:00:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-18 01:16:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-18 02:20:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-19 11:58:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-19 14:01:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-23 08:27:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-23 09:51:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-23 12:16:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-25 03:57:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-25 08:44:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-25 22:28:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-25 23:22:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-26 03:13:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-27 10:46:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-27 11:07:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-27 13:00:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-29 03:16:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-08-29 23:41:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-01 19:59:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-01 22:42:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-01 23:33:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-02 18:08:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-05 04:49:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-05 07:53:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-05 10:18:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-06 12:26:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-06 13:15:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-06 16:03:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-10 05:29:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-12 10:48:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-13 05:55:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-19 21:37:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-20 00:09:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-23 14:20:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-23 15:24:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-23 15:24:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-23 15:46:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-24 00:07:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-25 09:56:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-25 22:32:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-26 07:34:56
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-26 07:47:21
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-27 01:09:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-27 19:56:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-09-28 00:32:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-01 11:54:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-01 16:19:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-03 03:07:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-03 08:04:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-05 10:55:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-05 13:22:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-05 17:06:20
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-06 10:09:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-06 10:32:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-07 14:11:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-07 14:11:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-07 14:25:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-09 08:32:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-09 09:19:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-09 11:35:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-10 13:25:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-11 00:53:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-11 01:10:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-11 14:46:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-12 12:00:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-12 12:36:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-14 04:36:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-14 04:44:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-15 09:46:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-15 11:57:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-15 12:51:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-20 08:34:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-20 08:53:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-20 19:57:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-23 22:42:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 17:50:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 17:54:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 17:55:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 17:56:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 17:57:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-26 21:39:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-28 22:02:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-28 22:22:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-10-29 08:36:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-03 07:01:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-03 07:28:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-03 07:50:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-09 22:57:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-10 00:19:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-10 03:42:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-11 00:31:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-11 01:40:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-11 12:11:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-12 06:59:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-12 07:19:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-15 00:01:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-15 00:30:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-15 19:53:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-16 12:05:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-16 12:35:34
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-18 03:11:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-18 03:11:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-18 21:34:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-18 22:07:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-19 05:32:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-19 17:06:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-20 08:26:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-20 16:05:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-20 16:20:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-21 03:53:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-24 00:23:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-24 15:36:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-24 17:09:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-24 17:09:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-24 17:10:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-25 11:39:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-27 11:36:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-28 11:49:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-28 11:50:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-29 04:56:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-29 04:56:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-11-29 04:56:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-02 13:31:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-02 16:23:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-02 16:24:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-06 05:28:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-06 08:23:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-06 08:24:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-10 18:04:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-10 18:04:56
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-10 18:05:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-10 18:12:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-14 20:08:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 03:21:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 05:38:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 05:50:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 05:50:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 06:33:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-18 06:34:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 03:15:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 09:54:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 19:07:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 19:27:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 19:46:07
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-21 19:46:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 00:12:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 01:41:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 01:47:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 01:47:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 01:48:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 23:45:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-24 23:46:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-25 00:15:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 03:32:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 09:08:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 10:16:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 10:18:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 11:38:19
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 12:02:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 12:02:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 12:03:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 12:04:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-26 12:04:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 08:05:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 08:05:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 08:06:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 08:29:02
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 08:49:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-28 09:09:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-29 20:52:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-30 01:36:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-30 07:47:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2016-12-30 13:58:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-03 08:39:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-11 13:24:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-18 20:34:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-19 08:45:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-19 13:48:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-19 14:49:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-23 09:45:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-23 09:49:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-23 11:01:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-25 05:25:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-26 06:46:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-26 12:04:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-27 10:32:45
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-31 00:41:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-31 01:52:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-01-31 07:23:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-02 08:21:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-02 10:36:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-04 09:34:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-04 18:43:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-06 08:00:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-06 17:49:21
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-08 04:53:53
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-08 05:18:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-11 10:56:14
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-11 14:51:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-14 17:36:05
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-14 17:36:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-15 08:47:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-15 08:47:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-15 09:11:18
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-15 09:12:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-15 11:36:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-16 09:13:09
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-18 06:31:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-18 08:17:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-18 11:18:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-18 11:33:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-18 14:15:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-20 13:16:01
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-20 13:56:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-20 19:08:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-20 21:09:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-22 04:54:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-22 08:03:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-22 08:22:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-23 10:46:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-24 03:29:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-24 03:41:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-24 04:35:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-24 12:50:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-26 02:04:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-26 02:16:53
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-27 04:58:53
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-27 05:17:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-27 14:28:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-02-28 00:01:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-04 11:44:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-04 14:59:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-10 10:21:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-12 13:01:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-14 02:46:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-15 03:26:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-20 13:29:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-24 01:08:53
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-24 01:43:56
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-28 02:50:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-28 04:02:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-03-28 08:31:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-01 14:14:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-01 15:02:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-05 14:44:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-06 01:47:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-08 17:30:13
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-08 18:33:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-09 17:29:11
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-11 00:50:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-11 19:46:51
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-13 09:04:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-14 23:16:22
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-17 08:38:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-22 18:32:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-23 02:19:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-23 03:05:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-04-25 11:18:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-01 00:11:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-01 02:08:44
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-01 04:25:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-01 05:16:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-02 07:33:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-02 08:10:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-02 09:42:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-02 10:08:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-03 07:20:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-03 07:36:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-03 07:49:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-03 08:12:12
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-06 04:38:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-06 05:13:03
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-06 06:11:41
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-06 06:29:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-07 08:55:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-07 09:28:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-07 09:39:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-10 11:25:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-10 11:32:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-10 11:49:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-10 11:53:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-11 20:09:36
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-11 20:40:30
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-11 21:05:08
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-11 21:09:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-14 12:02:57
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-14 14:11:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-14 14:33:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-14 15:40:50
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-17 02:33:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-17 02:41:17
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-17 03:51:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-17 03:52:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-19 10:13:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-19 12:12:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-19 15:51:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-19 18:11:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-20 22:18:55
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-21 04:12:23
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-21 05:50:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-21 22:44:59
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-22 03:50:20
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-22 12:49:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-22 14:23:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-22 17:54:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-22 22:23:43
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-25 02:51:40
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-25 03:21:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-25 03:31:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-25 04:17:46
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-26 01:46:49
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-26 02:09:33
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-26 03:26:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-27 01:33:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-27 03:04:24
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-05-27 09:32:15
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-06 00:25:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-07 12:17:27
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-07 17:53:04
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-08 04:17:52
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-08 04:44:56
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-08 05:24:16
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 02:10:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 04:08:25
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 21:16:28
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 22:11:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 22:25:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-06-09 22:57:48
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-08-15 08:38:37
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-08-15 21:50:39
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-08-17 12:48:06
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2017-09-22 22:50:10
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2019-01-22 03:50:00
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-01-05 23:14:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-07-09 11:05:35
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-07-10 23:34:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-08-16 12:44:47
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-08-20 12:05:26
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-09-02 09:18:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-10-28 11:49:54
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-12-17 09:38:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2021-12-26 15:19:29
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-05-31 01:06:58
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-06-14 17:01:38
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-06-15 02:59:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-06-20 05:48:32
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-07-11 00:32:31
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-08-06 01:58:34
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-08-10 06:34:42
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-08-26 04:47:12
Comentário de RonaldRuck:
Organizations can compel their customers and employees to resolve disputes in arbitration proceedings bound not by state or federal law but by religious edict.

2022-12-08 11:30:22
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